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Turtle Tuck

Writer's picture: Kristy HollisKristy Hollis

We all have at least one person in our life that speaks truth into us without even trying, like straight to the heart, gut check truth. This happened to me a while ago during a conversation about a kindergarten classroom and praying over my kids. When you tell someone that you pray over your children every night, you don't expect God to drop the mic on you with the persons response but that is exactly what He did. You see, I pray every night for my children to be brave and bold. That's pretty simple, right? I mean, in the world that we live in, those seem like important qualities for them to have. I want them to stand up for themselves, stand up for others, stand up for what they believe in, fight for the things that matter. I, personally, am terrified when I am in any kind of situation where I have to open my mouth and , well, say pretty much anything. I want my children to not be hindered by their fears as I so often am. My friend's response hit me so hard that I made her come talk about it in this weeks podcast. What if their being brave and bold doesn't look like what you think it does? I am an introvert so, for me,

being brave or bold is being around people and interacting with them. But she's right. My kids, thus far, are not introverts. That is not what their brave and bold looks like. So what will their brave and bold be? I'm going to have to watch that unfold as they grow. But I learned that night that God has a completely different perspective, not only for the lives of my kids but, for my life as well. We have ideas. We make plans. We think we know how things will work out. Then life throws us a curve ball. When we're one or two strikes in, those curve balls can be terrifying. We tuck into our shell like a turtle, afraid to peek back out and look around. But the Bible tells us that God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). It also tells us that God knows the plans that He has for us and that they are good plans meant to prosper us and not harm us, plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29,11). So when we're tucked in tight to our shell, we have to remember to seek the Lord. If we tuck into Him, studying His word and praying ceaselessly, He will reveal those plans to us. When we're ready, when we see His perspective rather than our own, we can come back out of our turtle shell, take our stand and hit the next pitch out of the park. In this weeks podcast, Turtle Tuck, Lacie Hester shares an amazing story of how God is working this out in her life. Join us as she tells us what she has learned during her time in her shell and how she is continuing to learn and lean into God as she leaves the shell behind.

Listen to Turtle Tuck on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, Podcast Addict or click the link to listen on our website.

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