So, there was this one time that God told my best friend and I to start a podcast and then we were like.... WHAAAAAT?!? Sometimes God calls us to actions that require crazy faith. It's nothing new; take for instance Sarah, Hannah, Esther, Ruth, Mary. Each of these women were either called to do something, or given a promise that they held onto and never waivered in their belief that it would come to fruition. Talk about squad goals. Sarah was promised a baby by God even though she was well past a child bearing age. She had her moments where she tried to make this happen on her own, but she never gave up and one day she finally held Isaac in her arms (Genesis 21:1-7). Hannah was barren and cried out to the Lord in anguish. She believed that God could open her womb, and He did (1 Samuel 1-2). Esther was chosen to become queen in order to save her nation. Because of her bravery in saying yes to the call of the Lord an entire people were saved (Esther 2:5-8:17). Ruth was faithful to care for her mother in law, even after her husband had died. She was no longer obligated to her, yet she was obedient to God and faithful to her family, and she was rewarded through her family line (Ruth). Mary might just have the biggest, "God say WHAAT?!?" story that there is. A young virgin giving birth to the savior of the world. These ladies may have felt crazy at times, others may have even called them crazy. But, what is seen as crazy in this world can be accounted for as faith in Heaven.
This week we are talking with a very special guest about what it looks like to have crazy faith. She will share with us a few stories from her own life and how, even though people thought she was crazy, God showed up in BIG ways. Do we step up when God calls us to something? Are we unwavering in our faith when we know that He has promised us something? Join us as we talk about a God who is capable of doing exceedingly more than we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Sarah, Hannah, Esther, Ruth, Mary, Tasha #SquadGoals.
You can listen to this weeks podcast on iTunes, GooglePlay, Spotify, Stitcher, or on our website www.thesendhelppodcast.com/podcast